A Well-Deserved Award for a Dedicated SLP Alumna

Last week Alumna, Stefanie Haws UT10 was honoured with the University of Toronto Arbour Award. This award recognizes the dedication and generosity of those who have enriched the experience of University of Toronto students, faculty, staff and alumni.

“The award is not hanging yet, but it does sit proudly on my desk” said Stefanie when asked if the award had a place of honour in her office.

Stefanie’s engagement with the Speech-Language Pathology Alumni Group began in 2007, when she took on the role of Alumni Student Rep in her first year of the MHSc program, continuing in this role the following year.  Since graduating in 2010, Stefanie continued to be engaged in SLP Alumni activities.  Among other tasks, she acted as treasurer and facilitated the production of the annual graduation reception. Stefanie served as the alumni association’s president in 2015 and 2016 while considerably increasing the participation in the monthly meetings throughout this academic year. Despite the pressures of raising a family and clinical practice, Stefanie continues to serve as the alumni association’s treasurer, which is a testament to her dedication.

For more information about Alumni awards see https://alumni.utoronto.ca/events-and-programs/awards/